The Price You Have to Pay to be a Great Mom

good moms, what makes a good mom,  cost price of parenthood


One thing I've noticed that great moms have to do in order be great is sacrifice...

They have to give up a lot. ..

They have to get over doing a lot of things they are used to doing... 

We watched our mothers give up their freedom, their health and their happiness just to provide for us. We watch moms in the grocery store look so worn out and frazzled. We hear about people spending all their money on their kids's dreams, and leaving nothing for their own dreams. News reports come out all the time with million dollar price tags on raising children. 

But I believe it takes more than a million dollars to raise children and be a great mom. 

See below for the complete list of the true cost of enjoying motherhood: 

  • You will have to take care of yourself by doing things you actually love instead of doing what you think you should be doing.
  • You will have to know that things will work out and feel confident you can cope with anything instead of worrying about the future.  
  • You will have to get quiet and listen to your intuition instead of searching the internet for hours and relying on facts, studies, and opinions to make choices.
  • You will have to do what is best for your family, not what everyone else is doing which isn’t a good fit and not what you really want to do anyway.
  • You will have to make time for yourself by saying “no” and not asking for permission to do things for yourself.
  • You will have to train those closest to you to not rely 100% on you for their needs and happiness.
  • You will have to let go of being responsible for anyone else’s emotions or happiness and just enjoy life.
  • You will have to find creative and fun ways to keep yourself in a good mood and enjoying your life.
  • You will have to make sure all your friends are positive, supportive, and fun to be around and unfortunately, you will have to make time to see them.  
  • You will have to be unapologetically yourself instead of worrying about what everyone might feel or think or some fake perfect version of what you think a mother should be like.
  • You will have to ask for help and happily accept it instead of white-knuckling it through life.  
  • You will have to focus as best you can on the good, positive, and better feeling thoughts in the present moment.
  • You will have to laugh, be silly, and have fun instead of worrying, freaking out, and being anxious.
  • You will have to let go of being perfect, and just be yourself.
  • You will have feel confident and worthy of love, happiness, and respect, you will have to let go of insecurity and unworthiness.
  • You will have to invest in your sanity through therapy, books, meditation, support groups, and coaching instead of suffering through life.
  • You will have to keep your dreams, passions, and things that excite you, instead of losing yourself in your kids or partner’s life.
  • You will have to celebrate and reward yourself instead of waiting around for Mother’s Day, someone to recognize your efforts, or approve of you. 


Being a mom is hard work. I hope you are up for the challenge :) 



Posted on June 9, 2015 .